How to generate PDF resume from latex on github page?

How to generate PDF resume from latex on github page?

- 2 mins

Everyone learn new stuff daily, achieve something new every day, builds new innovative projects now and then and definitely wants to mention them in their resume.

But with current tools, the process of updating resume is too time-consuming and most of us avoid until we are looking for a new job 😉. And this experience is even worse for those who maintain resume in latex. Either setup tex environment locally (3gb MacTex for Mac) or use third party online sites.

I am also the one who prefers latex resume. So for every single small change, I have to either rely on online sites like Sharelatex. Update Tex file there, download code and generated pdf and then upload back to my GitHub page repo. Another option for me was to set up MacTex locally. But having 128GB Mac, I can’t manage to devote 3gb to this.

So to make this process seamless, I have developed BotLatexx. With this no extra work needs to be done in order to maintain an updated copy of your resume on GitHub pages, just make changes on Tex file locally and push it to GitHub repo. BotLatexx will take care of everything for you.

Watch the demo on Youtube, how I updated app downloads count to 40k+ in my resume which is hosted on GitHub pages in less than a minute:

How it works

In simple words, it builds your latex project on the cloud and returns your generated PDF.

Here is the user flow:

Behind the scenes

Here is what BotLatexx will do for you:


Watch the demo on Youtube, how I updated app download count to 40k+ in my resume which is hosted on GitHub pages in less than a minute:


“Performing same steps again and again, is the work of bots, let’s not snact work from them 😜.”

Vishwesh Jainkuniya

Vishwesh Jainkuniya


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