The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
- 4 minsThe power of your subconscious mind. My learnings goes here 👇
- It’s all about what you think.
- If you think it’s boring, then most interesting work will also be boring for you. If you think tiring, then even without doing any work you will feel tired.
- Think good, good follows. Think bad, bad follows.
- Concious mind is kinda sync flow, actions are instant on any sense.
- Subconscious mind is kinda async flow, build gradually from what concious mind accepts.
- Be away from negative advice and thoughts.
- “Man is what he thinks all day long”
- One expresses whatever he has in his subconscious mind: dedication, jealousy, happiness, sadness etc.
- Subconscious mind have constructed our body. If required it can heal/recreate as well.
- Subconscious mind is always open for suggestion.
- Plant a good idea in mind, subconscious mind will give you fruits later.
- Cause of disease is in mind <=> healing can also come from the same.
- Only 1 process of healing => faith
- Only 1 healing power => subconscious mind
“The doctor dresses the wound, but God heals it”
- It’s the power of blind faith & prayer therapy, where one keep aside all the negativity and thinks good. Which triggers subconscious mind to release healing.
- People were even cured in time when there was no operation theatre.
A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your subconscious mind act as an architect, who brings the sketch in reality which was built by your thoughts.
- Scientists says: we build a new body every 11 months.
- A lot can change in 11 months, affirm the good, and bad will vanish in the next cycle.
- Get rid of darkness => light, cold => hot, overcome negative thoughts => substitute with good one.
Dreams comes from your subconscious mind. Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over again. One day, all your dreams will come true.
Subconscious only accepts what you feel really to be true. It is a bank, multiple and magnifies what you deposit: fear/negative or positive thoughts, wealthy or poverty.
A person is rich or poor from his thoughts in his mind, subconscious mind.
- Subconscious mind is the storehouse of memories, deposit good and get good ones in return.
- Success doesn’t come one way. You become successful by helping someone in succeeding.
- Prepare your subconscious mind for the desire, and you will get pushed to it.
- The action is your thought, reaction is the response from your subconscious mind.
- Many times, after trying so hard, we aren’t able to solve a problem. And suddenly it clicks up in our mind when we are not thinking of it.
- It’s subconscious mind, which is working for us.
- Sometime you dream of what’s gonna happen next.
- Many times you got a solution while you are asleep.
- It’s all because of your subconscious mind. It never sleep.
- There is nothing too hard for your subconscious mind. Give it a chance.
- Sleep in peace and Wake in Joy
Role of subconscious mind in marital relationship. No experience, can’t summarise 🙆🏻♂️ But ya in any relationship, belittling or condemning your partner in the eyes of others doesn’t make any sense. Eventually your mind will get filled with negatively and will lead to ∞ prob
The kingdom of happiness is in your thoughts and feelings. Happiness is a habit, and you must desire for it. Nobody can actually take it away from you. Some are happy despite having nothing, while others are unhappy even after having all. It’s your choice to be happy.
16/n on Human relations
- Ur subconscious mind is a recording machine which reproduces your habitual thinking. Think good of the other, and u r actually thinking good about yourself.
- U r the only Thinker in ur universe, ur thoughts r creative. So what u think is what u feel.
- Learn to forgive yourself. Don’t live with a guilt, learn from mistakes and move on.
- Keeping the guilt, will block subconscious mind to think for positive future.
- If you believe in your thoughts, nobody can criticize you. Even if they do, correct your faults and move on.
- Solution lies within the problem, believe in yourself, have faith on infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind to solve it for you.
- Habits are byproduct of your subconscious mind.
- Positive thinking will result in good habits, while negatively will develop bad habits.
- Subconscious mind takes your fears as a request, proceeds to manifest them, and brings them into your experience.
- Do the thing you fear for, keep confidence and face it, make you mind several times that you can do it to get rid of fear.
- Subconscious mind never gets old.
- Your thoughts defines your age.
- One is as strong as he thinks, and as valuable as he thinks.
- Some are old at 30, while others are young at 80.